Money! Money! Money!

Image by Gerd Altmann

Money makes our current human world go around. Remove money out of the equation and what would happen?

Anarchy, shutdowns, civil unrest, and possibly more?

The adaptation to living without money would rock our world to such a degree chaos would ensue until we could finally learn to work together harmoniously in our communities.

Who would sort the food, housing, heating, and fuel supplies in your local area without money? 

Do you see how dependent we are right now on the exchange of money to keep people in these vital roles, to build homes, grow food and ship it to our local supermarkets ready for our consumption?

Most of us don’t have a clue how to provide all these things, nor do we have an interest because life right now is mostly about consumption and advancement.

With each revolution, we have advanced moving from the agricultural era to the industrial, and now we are headed fast into the technological era.

We seem to continuously want more out of this world and our species. In fact, with the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, there is even talk about the end of humanity as we know it.

But, I am not here to fearmonger, I am here to shine a light on how childlike a society we have become. We depend on our governments telling us what to do when their true position is to serve us ‘the public’.

The problem is we ‘the public’ are mindlessly allowing an ego-based system to continuously rein control and power over us. All we seem to care about is earning money and living our best lives. This is mostly because it was drilled into us within the institution known as ‘school’.

Today, we want an easy life and with this aim, we are giving away so much power to those tiny few at the top of this pyramid system.

The ones who are at the top right now are pushing their agendas onto us and if we decide not to conform they will use fear, war, and perceived mandatory controls to maneuver us into submission. They’ve been controlling us this way for centuries and little has changed.

However, post CoVID I have seen more and more individuals waking up to the controls and the money system we find ourselves within. How it keeps us subservient and focused only on our tiny lives and not the world at large. Not, that taking on the world’s issues is what I am writing about here. However, your tiny footprint has a knock-on effect on your community and when communities start to change, the world at large will ultimately change.

Image by John Hain

We are living in an era of mass transformation with the capabilities technology is affording us. I believe we have an amazing opportunity for the first time in our history to shift this world for the better. To bring back community spirit, grow our own food in our local areas, and use technology for our advancement. We have to start seeing our value as humans and remove our focus from money because money always follows value.

What value are you putting into this world? How can you increase your value today? 

To give is to receive and we all have something to bring to this world. So put your best foot forward and provide as much value as possible. Then if money disappeared tomorrow your value would still remain and this is why taking your focus off, money, money, money is where the greatest shift could occur.

There are pockets of people globally starting to make these shifts. They are growing their own fruits and vegetables. They are forming community groups and using technology to bring about positive changes on a local and global scale. You too could do the same and find like-minded people in your area to build a team to grow and prosper come what may.

We don’t know what the future holds but we have seen the patterns of the past and so let us learn from them and choose a different path for our future and the future of the generations to come. We owe it to them and to our earth, to leave a legacy and a pathway of prosperity not austerity.

I hope in some small way you will change your mindset from focusing on earning money to providing value and if you have then keep building upon your legacy. Be a champion and make that change!

Thanks for reading!

Have a beautiful day or night wherever you are in the world.