Lies like Flies are Everywhere

Whether it’s a little white lie or a full-blown deception lies are everywhere in our world. They show up in the News, on Podcasts, YouTube videos, in person and in places you just wouldn’t expect to find them.

Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay

So, put on your Inspector Clueso hat and get out your magnifying glass as we are going to seek out the truth in this article today. Or are we? 😉 This is for you to discern.

Since the dawn of time deception has been in our midst. We’ve used it to survive, to outwit our opponents, to get ahead, and to leave the deceived behind in a dust of lies.

People lie to hide their secrets, to avoid the truth, as the truth can often hurt. How many times have you found out you’ve been lied to? Then, when you confront the person who lied to you, they still fight to conceal the truth with all their might.

It is so mind-boggling and it can often be described as ‘Gas lighting’ in some more insidious individuals. They can be crazy-making if you don’t have a barometer to navigate their deception.

How do we root out the truth? What key factors highlight the truth?

Well first we need evidence and this can come in the form of some of the following.

Video Footage — although with the advances in AI, this can be manipulated.
Audio Recording — can be altered.
s — they could also lie.
Fingerprints — these can be brushed away.
Written Documentation — forgeries can be made.

So, what is truly left to root out the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the TRUTH?

If you look at the whole p(l)andemic situation there has been so much information coming at us in all directions. It has been a mad few years with censorship and false narratives driving streams of data toward different groups of agendas. Do any of us really know the truth behind all of it?

How I discern my truth is over a period of time. Sometimes I can figure it out fast, as blatant liars often trip themselves up. Other times the truth reveals itself in unique and magical ways.

Maybe we aren’t always ready to hear the truth because of where we are internally. A lie can often keep us in a state of fictional reality and maybe this fiction is safe for us. Stepping into a new paradigm can be a scary concept to grasp and so often we stay where we feel comfortable until the comfort ceases and we are pushed toward the truth.

The truth as they say will set us free and freedom seems to be what we are all seeking and to find that freedom it truly comes from within. Well, when I say within, it’s coming from a force far greater than us that guides our internal compass. Many of us have lost touch with this compass because we are so swept up in external narratives and ideologies. Our beliefs have been shaped by the outer world and getting back home takes disconnection, meditation, and calmness.

If you think of a snow globe, when you shake it up with all the outer activity you can’t clearly see the figures within. When you stop and let the snow fall to the ground you see clearly the figures and thus in the case of mind and thoughts, you sense a deep knowingness and in that stillness comes clarity and a deep truth emerges.

How do you discern the truth? What tools do you have to navigate this world of misinformation? Let me know in the comments below and help others who might be lost right now, but please tell the truth. 😀

Have a lovely day or night wherever you maybe right now.