When Apathy Strikes

Image by Jerzy Górecki from Pixabay

The world is so vast and expansive. Our minds are vast and expansive too. We are like mini universes walking this planet and absorbing an external world on top of our own inner world with its beauty and challenges.

Have you ever experienced Apathy? The feeling of blah! Not caring about anything, just in a type of inner trance. It creeps in over time and soon you notice that nothing in life brings you pleasure. It’s an overload of external stimuli, trauma, negative beliefs, and failures and your mind has just detached itself from all reality to breathe.

You stop feeling, as feelings are your navigational compass steering you through this worldly experience. Without your feelings, you become lost and alone, inside a shell of discontentment. You see people but you aren’t present to their aliveness. You want to feel, you want that joy you once had when you were a child but it’s hiding and you just can’t seem to find anything to bring it back out into being.

It is a frustrating place to be and brings you to despair. You want to scream but you just don’t care. You want to find an answer but you’ve lost all hope so you go through the motions with an inner motionless energy. Trapped and disassociated from life. Watching from a place of inner entrapment with no one realising your inner discontent.

Apathy has struck like a clock hitting midnight with each bell ringing but with no sound. It is time to change, you have reached the final hour and you must reconnect with yourself and those inner feelings you’ve been running from for a very long time.

Right now the outer world is a painful source of misery as it is reflecting back your pain. This is why you must focus on your inner self right now, no more distractions, no more despair it is time to face your feelings head-on. Start small and get a notebook if it helps to write out how you feel. Become present to what is going on inside of you, begin to really dig into the garden of your life. There are weeds inside that need uprooting and with time you will blossom once more.

If you can’t find the words to express how you feel get some paint or pens and paint/draw out what your feelings actually look like, so you have a visual representation you can work with in your imagination. Once you have an image, on a fresh page draw out how you would like to feel and see if you can imagine what the new drawing would feel like inside your body.

Start trying some kinesthetic ways of feeling, like taking a warm bath and noticing how your body feels. Notice where you feel the sensations of relaxation and peace as you allow the warm water to envelope you. Or you could go the opposite and try a cold bath and dip your toe into the water and feel the cool sensations on your foot.

Other ways to get back in touch with your feelings are to listen to your favourite songs and as you do stay very present with what is going on in your body. If you are brave enough go dance and move your body to the music and allow yourself to energise your system that has been chained to the apathy ball. This is one way of breaking free if only momentarily.

Once you have attempted to focus on a few of your feelings then begin to develop a feeling routine. Get yourself a feelings journal and log each night the feelings you noticed and make any notes that intrigued you about how you felt that day. At the end of every week, you can chart out your feelings and see if you notice a pattern emerging. Once you have the awareness you can find solutions or harness new methods to bring forth more of those good vibing feelings.

I know with many articles on these subjects we are often looking for a magic key to awaken or break us free from our pain. However, everything is our own individual responsibility and we have to start giving a damn about our lives. You are so intrinsically important because you are here, you are living. The energy of life is alive within you and that isn’t something small it is something miraculous.


You are a living miracle and if you don’t believe me just watch the YouTube video above called ‘Miracle of Life’ and be astounded at not only how you came to be, but the energy that guides the embryo to the living being. That energy never leaves us, it is still surrounding you right now and will always be there for you, to guide you home and on your path of divinity.

Sending you lots of love and magical synchronicities as you start moving away from apathy and toward your true light.

Thanks for reading!