I Can’t Get No Sleep

It’s 12:10 am and here I am writing because I can’t sleep. My mind is buzzing around thinking about so many things which is frustrating me as I just want it to stop and rest.

What I often do is submit and feed my mind with an endless supply of information until it eventually burns itself out. It is easy to obtain this information when we have phones with an avalanche of data to absorb.

However this evening I chose not to feed it more information and instead, I got my pens out and started to doodle because I am tired of the old ways of doing things and I think the frustration is why my mind is not resting because I spend way too much time thinking and not enough doing.

My late-night doodle beginnings

I believe my mind won’t rest as these thoughts are meant to be actioned because thinking often causes us to act. Now, I am not saying every thought has to be acted upon but when you have as many thoughts as I have right now, some of them MUST be put to good use. So here I am writing a post at 12:22 am and creating for you the reader some content.

Where should I start with all these thoughts that have been buzzing around and keeping me awake?

This is so funny as my mind has now been pushed into the spotlight and it’s having a hard time conveying what to write, how ironic.

Let’s just ask it some questions and see what happens.

Okay, mind why have you got me up this late at night when I need to be sleeping?

You’ve been procrastinating for too long on too many projects and I have no more room to contain all your ideas. I am like a computer and my hard drive has reached full capacity. You need to delete some of these idol thought patterns.

Yes, I agree I have indulged in an endless supply of information leading to nowhere. I am frustrated because I have too many ideas and I don’t know where to start.

How can we work together to sort all of this out?

You could write a list of all your ideas on paper. Then together we can go through this list and decide which ones need to go. 

Okay, this sounds like a good plan but part of me has a deep sinking feeling about doing this work. What is that all about?

You are overwhelmed by the magnitude of this task and are worrying about letting go.

Letting go of what? 

Letting go of the old way of thinking because this will change what you have always done and change is uncomfortable.

Plus, your identity will change because you won’t be doing the same things and so you are walking into the unknown.

Yes, that’s it the great unknown. The place that is unfamiliar and unpredictable. It can be scary but also exciting depending on my perspective. 

Can you help me to stay focused on the positive side of change? Can you remind me of the good things change can bring?

Yes, let’s write out that list now as a reminder for us both.

The 5 Positive Attributes of Change

  1. It brings new opportunities that can lead to more abundance and joy in your life.
  2. It allows you to experience something new and ultimately grow as a person.
  3. It will expand your comfort zone and build confidence in yourself.
  4. It will eliminate boredom as you engage in new activities and break old routines.
  5. It will build strength and resilience as you overcome the challenge of changing.

Great! Let’s remember these positive attributes of change and use them to power forward to lessen the endless thinking and increase a peaceful night’s sleep.

My completed doodle

Good night and thanks for reading.