
Image by Avi Chomotovski from Pixabay

Our world is so enchanting when you open your eyes beyond the perspective of your internal experience and the labels that are placed upon everything.

If you were a newborn baby right now seeing the world for the very first time with all its colours, smells, objects, and features you would be in awe. You first saw life in this way but over time things became familiar and you lost that fascination with life.

Mankind has labeled everything the eyes have observed and this has boxed in life. It has taken away the sparkle and the true magnificence of the world that surrounds us.

To return to innocence is to return to removing those labels and allowing our world to unfold uniquely before us. When we label ourselves with a name and a role we diminish our lights. We are seen as that label as that role and we box ourselves into a corner.

To expand beyond your limitations remove all the labels you have been given by society and by yourself. When you become nothing you can become anything, you then have the freedom to evolve and grow beyond the boundaries of your name and title.

This I feel is what holds us back all these names and titles because we just move in and out of boxes and our growth is stunted.

For example, if you are a Mother or Father, who also is a Doctor or Artist you are confined to these roles unconsciously. You probably don’t try on new roles unless you decide to make a life change or life forces a change upon you. Your everyday life moves from being a Mother or Father and then at work a Doctor or Artist without you consciously moving beyond these parameters.

Do you see how programmed a label can be upon your consciousness? Just like driving a car once you know how to do it, you drive unconsciously without having to think about pressing the clutch or brake, you just know how to do it and the same goes for when you choose a career path, at first it is new and exciting and then it becomes an unconscious part of your identity and you no longer have to think about it consciously.

So to expand your ability to see the true reality in front of your eyes remove all the labels and see the world as a brand new experience as something new and unique because this is how the mind can see past the labels and see the beauty and uniqueness in everything and that include all the people that surround you too.

Have a beautiful day expanding your consciousness!

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