
Image by Fábio Almeida de Oliveira Adônes from Pixabay

Like climbing a mountain top you have to BE that climber, DO the climbing, and then you’ll HAVE reached the panoramic peak.

Simply right?

Let’s break each part down into leverage that helps you quantify each step into your life.


What is your goal right now at this moment?

Is it to go get breakfast?
Go to sleep?
Go out with friends?
Go to work?
Go look after your family?
Go exercise?
Or go do something else?

In each of these ‘go’s,’ there is someone you must BE first and foremost. The being part is the part that is within your thinking mind. You have the thought first and then you take action. You see yourself doing the action which brings so much momentum that it propels you forward. You see the being part of you in action in your mind first.


This brings us into action which is moving us on from our thoughts. You can think about getting breakfast all day long but if you never take action, you will never eat breakfast. Same goes for all the other ‘Go’s’ I listed above. Think about exercise don’t action it, then it simply remains a rumination in your head and leads to zero progress.

Getting things done takes focus, motivation, and passion. Yes, it isn’t always going to be fantastic but something within you knows you need to do it. Eating breakfast sustains your health (if you eat nutritious food), and exercising gives you flexibility and strength. These elements are what propels you to take action, as you know they are important.


Having is the result of the action you have taken. You get to the goal you set initially. You acquire the intention you set for yourself. This is the rewarding part as you have met your goal and it’s no longer just a thought in your mind, it’s now been lived out and has become your reality. Well done! Enjoy your breakfast!

Now you know what to do, it’s time to go BE-DO-HAVE all over your life.

Or is something blocking you?
Are you stuck in the BE mode?


Don’t beat yourself up here if you are stuck because many of us are and there are lots of BEs buzzing around in our heads.

Ideas are great but if they are not put into practice they will always remain just an idea trapped in your mind. The same is said for dreams, our wonderful mind of imagination can store all these wonderful thoughts which sadly just fritter away like snowflakes in the sky if we never action them.

Don’t let your ideas and dreams just melt away into oblivion bring them to life. Take the steps slowly but consistently, as long as you are making one small step toward your goal, it will eventually compound and you’ll end up with something big and tangible at the end.

If you want to write a book for example, make sure to write a sentence or paragraph each day and if you keep at it you’ll end up with a completed manuscript.

A dream realized is such an amazing feeling. Step into the feelings first, see the book in your hands and soon you’ll be taking the steps to create it.

The late author Dr. Wayne Dyer once described how he used to get a book and place a cover over it so it looked like his book was already completed. He would use this visual tool to give him the momentum and focus to keep writing until his book became a reality.

There are so many powerful tools you too can create to assist you in staying the course. Use your mind to create what tool would work for you. The example of Dr. Dyer is just one idea, there are so many more you could create that will help you focus and stay the course until completion.


Or maybe you are stuck in the DO section of life. You do-do-do but have nothing to show for it. This could be described as procrastination putting off the real things to create real results and instead keeping busy avoiding what truly needs to be done. You need a pattern interrupt here as Motivational Speaker, Tony Robbins would describe it. Something to shake up your habitual patterns.

You could try setting an alarm on your phone before you go browsing the internet and getting lost in social media and YouTube channels for example. Then when the buzzer goes off, you get off the internet and get on with the tasks to change your life. Do it! Seek a pattern interrupt. Just look up NLP (Nero-Linguistic Programming) Pattern interrupts to find an idea to work for you.


The last area you could actually get stuck in is the HAVE mode. How? you might ask. Isn’t that the finale? Yes, it is…but how many people do you know who are stuck in having and really not gaining anything? No growth, no real substance in life, and instead just acquiring stuff. Instant gratification, like buying clothes or anything else that makes them feel good for a short period of time but is never long-lasting. Happiness lies in the journey, not the destination.

Getting out of just acquiring things starts with identifying the real motivation behind it.

What do you really want out of life? 

It’s not just a nice car or a designer dress for example. The real reason could be to feel better about yourself, to feel worthy and you are thinking having these items will fill these voids in your life.

Yes, they may do for that moment of the purchase but soon enough you’ll go back to feeling unworthy or whatever you are feeling until you identify the true cause and work on changing the inner mechanics of your life.

Self-worth comes from doing things in your life that you know you have accomplished. That it took you real courage, motivation, effort, and persistence to achieve, it was not just handed to you on a plate.

When you can tick off some real achievements you set for yourself, then you begin to start feeling good inside. This is why just having isn’t great unless you’ve gone through the BE-DO modes first to hit that HAVE end goal of achievement.

If a wannabe actor/actress who had never acted in a role was suddenly just handed an Oscar would they really feel great inside knowing they’ve done nothing to achieve it? No. That is why going through the training, the setbacks, and reaching success is far more satisfying than just having a nice shiny object sitting on a shelf.


The secret to a fulfilling life is to move through all of these three elements. BE-DO-HAVE in balance creates a long sustaining journey of purpose and positivity, as you feel good each time you reach and achieve one of your goals however big or small those goals might be.

Don’t get trapped in one of these modes, notice where you are right now and move yourself forward like a train to reach your final destination. Then once you arrive, start setting up your next goal for the next adventure of your life.

Wishing you many successes as you venture down your path in life.

Thanks for reading and giving me a moment of your time.